HealthWise Nutrition Consulting

The Truth About Metabolism: Habits for Long-Term Weight Management

How can we “rev up” our metabolism in a healthy way so that our body uses the appropriate calories needed to maintain a healthy weight?  It seems like we are continuously searching for a “magic” fix.  Well, it may not be as difficult as we perceive it to be!  Altering daily lifestyle and dietary choices can help pave the way to a healthier you. 

Build Muscle: When we think of burning calories, we think exercise, exercise, and MORE exercise!   Muscle burns more calories per hour than fat.  Lifting weights or weight-bearing exercises are a great way to build or preserve lean muscle mass, therefore keeping our metabolism going strong.

Fuel Smart: But exercise alone cannot do the trick!  We need to focus on our nutritional habits as well.  We burn more calories by eating protein and fiber-rich foods that are harder to digest and require more work by our bodies to break down.

Eat Regularly: If we can eat several small meals frequently throughout the day, we can keep our metabolism constant. 

Prioritize Sleep: Lastly, rest indeed does a body good!  Ensuring you get adequate sleep prevents your resting metabolism from slowing down, an important factor in determining total calories burned daily. 

These simple habits, combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, can give your metabolism the boost it needs for long-term weight management success.